|MSBA Resource Hub
This library of free downloadable content includes white papers, guides, infographics, case studies, industry analysis, and other resources provided by the bar association, and outside experts and vendors within the legal industry. After downloading Resource Hub content, you may be contacted by that content provider.

At SpotDraft we are building revolutionary tools to help businesses make their contracts "come to life"​ and take the pain out of paperwork management. Contracts govern some of the most important business relationships. But businesses spend hours on drafting and negotiating contracts, and toggling back and forth for invoices and reminders. Through SpotDraft's intuitive AI powered platform, our customers today draft and sign contracts, and send automated reminders. SpotDraft helps you put your business on autopilot. Founded by a Harvard Law School lawyer and two Carnegie Mellon computer scientists, SpotDraft democratizes legal paperwork and makes contract lifecycles faster.

Resources from SpotDraft